Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Relationship Between Judged Attraction and Assumed Wealth free essay sample

Whether a person is aware of it or not, everywhere they go, they are mentally judging people and creating an opinion about others without necessarily ever even meeting them. These judgments can be based off of simple appearance, or actions, or any other sort of visible aspect of a person. Simply put, humans are judgmental creatures. One of the most common aspects of a person’s life that is judged from outside appearance is wealth. Assumedly, if a person dresses well, they must have money to buy such a wardrobe. Though this is certainly not always the case, people generally assume that what is on the outside is reflected on the inside. In this study, people’s visual interpretation of a person and the person’s assumed wealth will be examined. The participants will be shown pictures of random people of various wealth and asked to judge their monetary net worth. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Judged Attraction and Assumed Wealth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The variables being studied through this experiment are conceived attractiveness and monetary success. The goal of this experiment is to find a correlation between the two. Many studies concerning this phenomenon have been performed in the past and many books on the subject of attraction have been written. The relationship between physical attractiveness and monetary worth has been an interest for scientists for many years. As long as there has been social class, people through the ages have been judging other’s wealth by their appearance, whether people have been conscious of it or not. These studies have been important because these two variables (attractiveness and wealth) have also been linked to desire and favorability, two of the most unique and profound of human emotions, as will be discussed in the following In an experiment conducted at Georgia Southern University by researchers Dawson and McIntosh, the relationship between wealth, attractiveness, and desirability was examined (Dawson McIntosh, 2006). Dawson and McIntosh believed that men looked for physical attractiveness in women, whereas women looked for material resources (wealth) in men. Alternatively, the experimenters predicted that if men and women were less advantageous in these physical and monetary traits, they would compensate with other personal traits, such as personality. Participants to be judged for the experiment were randomly chosen from Yahoo Personals. Members of the opposite sex then rated the attractiveness of the participants and generated adjectives that were believed to describe the participant. For the male participants, it turned out that if they were considered less attractive or wealthy by the raters, their profile would emphasize of other positive personal characteristics. On the other hand, for the females, there was a trending phenomenon that if a profile emphasized greatly on the woman’s physical attractiveness, it concentrated little on other personal characteristics. However, there was no relation between how physically attractive the rater found the participant and what other positive characteristics were used to describe the participant. Dawson and McIntosh (2006) believed that their hypothesis was moderately supported. The judgments that people make on a person’s physical attractiveness can influence much more than the assumed size of his or hers wallet. These judgments can influence decisions as important as whom to vote for in government elections. This phenomenon was studied by Hart, Ottati, and Krumdick at the University of Alabama and Loyola University. They hypothesized that the more attractive a candidate was, the more memorable their campaign was (Hart, Ottati, Krumdick, 2011). Hart et. al. (2011), explored this by showing participants photos of potential candidates (all Democrat) along with campaign policies. The photos and information was then removed and the participants were asked to recite all the information that they could remember about each candidate and answer various questions regarding their attitudes and standpoints about the candidate and his or her campaign. The results show that those who were considered novices on the subject matter, being those that were unable to remember the candidates’ specific campaign and policy points, seemed to favor those that they found more physically attractive. Alternatively, those that were considered experts on the campaign material seemed to favor the less attractive of the candidates (Hart et. l, 2011). One might ask, however, what exactly is it of a person physique that lead people the judge them as attractive? While most people look at a person’s overall appearance and make judgments based on that, there are much subtler cues that a person subconsciously picks up on. Each person’s tastes are unique, and different cues appeal to different people. Author Gordon L. Patzer Ph. D. described some of these cues in his book The Physical Attractiveness Phenomena (1985). Overall Patzer believed that personality was the main contributing factor. While physical first impressions are importan t, personality is what a person really remembers. A good impressions is key. If a person makes a bad impression of themselves upon meeting someone, their negativity or foolishness will forever live on in he or she’s new acquaintance’s eyes. After personality, however, traits that spark attraction become much more minute and specific. First, Patzer believed that height was a key contributor. Women have a tendency to be attracted to a man taller than herself, though not towering. Men, on the other hand, are attracted to women who are shorter than himself, but not unproportionately so. Even if one does not consciously acknowledge it, they are taking note of everyone’s height that they meet. People also take notice of someone’s facial aspects, such as shape of the jaw, hairline, etc. (Patzer, 1985). Specific combinations of all of these aspects, plus many more, determine how attractive a person finds another. Whereas none of these traits have an scientific relation to personal wealth, they do play a key role on how attractive someone is initially judged as. Whenever a person meets someone new, they subconsciously judge the stranger’s appearance and determine what level of attraction if had towards the stranger, even if there is no intent to pursue romantically. Other assumptions then stem off of this initial judgment of attraction. One of the most common is the attempt to judge a stranger’s wealth by their appearance and personal attraction. Scientists have been exploring the relationship between attractiveness and monetary value for years. The following study attempts to spread more light on the subject. Methods This study was designed to determine the correlation between ‘attractiveness’ and perceived wealth. Variables were defined as how personally attractive the surveyors found the estranged participants pictured versus how monetarily wealthy the stranger was based on the surveyors’ attraction. The data was collected using a Likert Scale to represent attractiveness and a scale with different levels of wealth. The results from the experiment allowed for the ratings of ‘perceived wealth’ to be compared to the rating of ‘attractiveness’ and discover if a correlation did in fact exist between the two. Based on the results of the previous study, â€Å"Attributions of physical attractiveness† (Johnson, MacEachern, 1985) ‘attractiveness’ should influence the perception of desirable traits, such as wealth. This may result for a multitude of reasons to be discussed in the future. Participants The participants sampled were the 10 females and 10 males pictured in the slide show. The participants varied all ages, ethnicities, and states of wealth in an attempt to make the sample’s characteristics representative of the public and mildly random. All participants were retrieved off of Google with some strategy to make sure that characteristics were varied in an attempt to be representative, making it a stratified sample. Also participating were the surveyors who rated the sample of participants. The surveyors consisted of a cluster sample of the Flagler College PSY 253 class. The sample totaled 17: 12 females and 5 males. Considering that the sample consisted of college students, assumedly between the ages of 19 and 22, the surveyors were not necessarily representative of the public but rather of college students in general. The participating surveyors received no compensation other than class participation and attendance points, which were awarded simply for showing up to the class. Materials For the experiment, a Powerpoint was used with 20 photos of participants, strangers to the surveyors, obtained off of Google: 10 pictures of females and 10 pictures of males, one per slide. Materials also included a paper survey handout on which the participants would record their responses. The survey consisted of two scales, one Likert scale rating attractiveness and one rating wealth. The Likert scale ran from 1-10 with one with the least attractive and ten the most and the scale for wealth ran from Poor($0-1000)-Average($1000-999,999)-Millionaire-Billionaire (See Appendix A). The participants provided their own writing utensils (pens and pencils). Procedure All participating surveyors were given a single handout survey (See Appendix A) by the administrators and then instructed to record their gender on the handout. Each surveyors’ gender determined whether they would be in Group A (Females) or Group B (Males). Both groups were instructed that they would be shown a slide show consisting of pictures of different individuals of the opposite sex and asked to record their opinions on attractiveness and wealth on the paper survey provided for each picture shown. Each picture was shown for approximately ten seconds and a totally of ten pictures were shown for each group. Group A was administered the survey first. The surveys were then collected by the administrators and a slideshow with ten different pictures was shown to Group B and the participants were asked to fill out the same survey as the prior group. The surveys were then collected by the administrators, concluding the experiment. Results Data was collected using a between subjects design. This experiment examined the correlation between how a person perceives attractiveness and how wealthy the person is then assumed to be. The experiment had two variables: Variable 1, perceived attractiveness, and Variable 2, assumed wealth. Participants were administered a survey listing the two variables, Variable 1 was measured on a Likert Scale of 1-10, when Variable 2 was measured on a scale of 1 (Poor, $0=1,000), 2 (Average, $1,000-$999,999), 3 (Millionaire), and 4 (Billionaire). The mean value for Variable 1 was M=4. 12 with a standard deviation of SD=1. 13314 and the mean value for Variable 2 was M=2. 36 with a standard deviation of SD=. 33066 (refer to Table 1). The median for Variable 2 was 3 and the mode is 2. The median and the mode for Variable 2 were both 2. The Pearson Correlation for the experiment was r=. 05 and the significance for each variable was p=. 891. This made the study’s finding significant and that there is a strong correlation between our variables. Discussion At the beginning of the experiment, it was hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation between how physically attractive someone was conceived as by a stranger and how wealthy they were assumed to be, judged on their rated attractiveness. At the end of the experiment, the results support this hypothesis. The significance of the variables was p=. 891, demonstrating that there is a high correlation between how attractive someone perceives a stranger and how wealthy the stranger is assumed to be, confirming the hypothesis. The positive correlation of the results suggests that the more attractive a person finds a stranger, the more monetary value the stranger is assumed to have. The Pearson Correlation was r=. 05 which proves that these results were reliable. The fact that r=. 05 means that the results were very specific, with few outliers, and can be condensed to a confined ranged of results, which all fit in together to support the hypothesis. Also, the low standard deviations of SD=1. 12212 and SD=. 33066 show how little overall variation there is to the variable means among participants. The results of this study can be interestingly related to the results of other studies previously performed, while the studies themselves may not mirror each other. As discovered by Dawson and McIntosh (2006), men and women on dating websites, if considered less attractive, emphasis more of their personal traits (Dawson McIntosh, 2006). Though it was not a component of the study being examined, some participants in the photos, when less attractive, dressed better, in fancier clothing, while those who were deemed more attractive tended to wear less flashy clothes. Perhaps if a person does not consider themselves to be physically appealing, they will try to look nice in other ways in public, such as clothing. Previously discussed, an experiment by Hart, Ottati, and Krumdick (2011) revealed that voters are more likely influenced by and likely to remember candidates that are perceived as more physically attractive and tend to think higher said attractive candidates (Hart et. al, 2011). This could have a relation to the current experiment in the respects that the survey takers may have had higher expectations of the participants’ monetary value if considered more attractive. This could be because people have a tendency to hold high hopes and expectations for those they find desirable. The experiment at hand has no relation, however, to the third theory Previously discussed by Patzer (1985). Patzer (1985) believed that there is a combination of specific attributes that causes a person to be attracted to another person. A specific feature that Patzer discussed was height, being that females prefer taller men and males vice versa (Patzer, 1985). However, there was no way for the surveyors to judge the participant’s height to their own through the pictures shown during the survey. For this experiment at least, height had nothing to do with personal attraction or attraction’s relation to wealth. There were very few flaws to this experiment that would have altered the results. The only obvious flaw was the issue of sexual orientation. For surveying ease, the experimenters divided the groups into male and female, rather than by sexual orientation because while attracted to males and attracted to females are two clear groups, there may have been bisexuals in the population and they would not have been able to take the survey twice. So though some surveyors may have felt that they were in the wrong group and it may have had an effect on the results, it effects were nothing detrimental. If repeated in the future, perhaps the experiment would involve surveys more catering to sexual orientation rather than being limited to division of gender. On the other hand, while there may have been a flaw, there was no experimenter bias because each participants’ correct wealth was never hinted at until the end. Also, it was impossible for the surveyors to develop practice effects because the survey involved no technique or talent. Also, there was no difficulty level so there was no floor or ceiling effects. In conclusion, the original hypothesis was supported. There was a positive correlation between perceived attractiveness and assumed monetary wealth, this meaning the more attractive a person found a stranger, the person then tended to assume the stranger proportionately more wealthy. There may be more triggers behind this phenomenon but judging by the survey results, the correlation was at least fueled by the attractiveness variable.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ethernet system Essays

Ethernet system Essays Ethernet system Essay Ethernet system Essay Robert Metcalfe with his co-workers at the Xerox Palo Alto research Center ( PARC ) developed the experimental Ethernet system. Harmonizing to O’Reilly and associates ( 2000 ) the chief intent of developing the Ethernet system is to complect a personal workstation with graphical user interface called Xerox Alto. The experimental system was used in order to link Altos and besides pressmans and waiters. The systems interfaces signal clock was patterned in the Alto’s system clock. This resulted to 2. 94 Mbps. informations transmittal rate on the experimental Ethernet. Ethernet was originally known as Alto Aloha Network. Alto Aloha Network was changed its name to Ethernet by Metcalfe to bespeak that the system non merely back up Alto’s but besides other computing machines. And Metcalfe besides point out that the Ethernet has progressed manner beyond the Aloha system. He chose the name ether as to depict the indispensable characteristic of the system which is the physical medium carries spots to all Stationss the same manner as the aluminiferous quintessence was one time believe to proliferate There are two ways which can be used to apportion the capacity of transmittal media: baseband and broadband transmittals. Baseband transmittal allocates the full capacity of the medium to one communicating channel. It uses distinguishable values by mensurating the electromotive force in wire which merely carried one signal at a clip. In broadband transmittal. the system allows two or more communicating channels to portion the bandwidth of the communicating medium. The system uses the technique of spliting the bandwidth into frequence sets which is called frequence division multiplexing ( FDM ) which works merely with parallel signals. There is besides another technique called time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) that supports digital signals. Figure 1. show the difference between baseband and broadband transmittal manner of operation: Figure 1. Difference in the manner of operation between baseband and broadband Broadband transmittal is used in the web hosting companies. This is because of the higher velocities of the broadband. With the usage of broadband. people can bask the full scope of cyberspace services like downloading picture. music. watching films and providing on-line games. Transceivers have different velocities which are measured in MHz and besides specified in wavelengths. The larger the value of the fibre nucleus of the transceivers. measured in micrometers. there will be more bandwidth possible but besides the distance will be shorter. The 1000 Base-LX is the long wavelength with a signaling velocity of 1. 25Â ±100 ppm GBd. This transceiver can utilize both 62. 5 and 50 micrometer multimode fibre and it besides uses single-mode fiber ocular overseas telegrams with distances of 440m. 550m and 5 kilometer. Another transreceiver is the 100 Base-TX which uses 4B5B binary encoding to encode 100 Mbps informations watercourse in a signal of 125 MHz. One brace is used for conveying informations while the other brace is used for having the information. Given this. one user can setup a system for full duplex communicating given that there are merely interfaces in the same hit sphere. It is either the two computing machines are straight connected to each other by crossing over overseas telegram or a computing machine straight connected to a switch. Full duplex communicating consequence to duplicating the possible throughput but non frequently reached more than the modest betterment. Based on Sheldon and Big Sur Multimedia ( 2001 ) . nexus collection is the procedure of linking together two or more informations channels in order to go a individual channel which appears as a individual. higher-bandwidth logical nexus. Besides this aggregative links can supply redundancy and mistake tolerance if the links follow different physical way. By associating the digital lines. the nexus collection improves the entree to public webs. The collection is besides usage in endeavor web to construct multigigabit backbone links. It besides allows the network’s anchor velocity to turn progressively when the demands on the web additions without replacing everything and purchase new and expensive hardware. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance ( CSMA/CA ) protocol was intended for local country web ( LAN ) environments where in all the nodes are positioned few hundred pess from each other. The importance of the protocol is to listen up each node to the channels in a short period of clip before it transmits. The chief premise of the protocol is that each node should be able to hear the transmittal from every other station. But this premise is violated in entree web and this resulted to several jobs. One of the serious jobs encountered is the concealed sender job. This occurs when the CSMA/CA can non work decently due to a wireless node can non hear one or more of the other nodes. And when this happen. multiple nodes attempt to convey their informations at the same time over the shared informations therefore ensuing to interference with each other. To turn to the concealed sender job. the 802. 11 standard uses the protocol petition to send/clear to direct ( RTS/CTS ) . Before conveying each package. each node transmit an RTS package to other nodes to warn them that it is about to convey informations and after each transmittal. it broadcasts CTS package. This procedure is clip and bandwidth consuming procedure and it is required for each and every transmittal by each and every radio node. But this procedure sill does non turn to the concealed sender job to the full because RTS/CTS packages are subjected to repeated hits. In most applications. the wireless criterion 802. 11b operating at 2. 4 gigahertz is ample plenty. This wireless criterion is the largely widely accepted criterion among the three radio criterions and besides the monetary value of the equipment is the cheapest because of the lifting demand for the 802. 11g. Its distance will trust largely on the communication devices whether it have line of site or non. And with fewer obstructions among the transmission and having devices. there will be better radio connexion and hence much better web surfboarding. The 802. 11b wireless criterion is good plenty if utilizing wireless path or entree point merely for cyberspace use because the connexion to internet via broadband modem operates about 2mbps which is really fast. The 802. 11b transportation informations at the rate of 11mbps which is sufficient for internet use. This device saves money on equipment and gives great web surfboarding services. Another wireless criterion being used is the 802. 11g criterion. It is replacing the widely accepted criterion which is the 802. 11b because both operate on the same frequence and the monetary value drastically goes down on merchandises. This criterion is much really similar to 802. 11b because it besides normally needs a line of site to accomplish optical public presentation. Both criterions. 802. 11b and 802. 11g operate at the same frequence scope of 2. 4ghz and are inter-operable with each other. All the devices of 802. 11g can pass on with 802. 11 devices and the chief advantage of the 802. 11g devices is that when reassigning files betweens computing machines or webs. it is normally at a greater velocity. It is recommended to utilize 802. 11g when utilizing wireless connexion to reassign files ( informations files. voice. music. and picture ) around the place and office. 802. 11g criterion besides allows makers to developed devices which work at velocity of up to 108mbps because it recommended when reassigning big informations or audio files within LAN. Wi-Fi Protected Access ( WPA ) is a security engineering that is used in wireless web. This was created by an industry trade group called the Wi-Fi Alliance which owns the hallmark for the name Wi-Fi and certifies merchandises that bear the name. WPA was created in order to response on the serious failings of the old system. the Wired Equivalent Privacy ( WEP ) and besides to better the hallmark and encoding characteristics of the WEP. It implements bulk of the IEEE 802. 11i and intended to take topographic point the topographic point of WEP. It was designed in order to work with all radio web interface cards but non with first coevals radio entree point. Temporal Key Integrity Protocol ( TKIP ) is one of the key engineerings behind WPA which deals with the encoding failings of the WEP. Besides the WAP have built-in hallmark which is a cardinal constituent. The WAP uses the RC4 watercourse cypher which has a 128-bit key and a 49-bit low-level formatting vector ( IV ) . With the combination of the TKIP and the RC4 watercourse cypher ; this solves the job of cardinal recovery onslaughts which was found in WEP. In add-on. the WPA provides much improved warhead unity. WPA uses a more secured message hallmark codification ( MAC ) but besides termed as MIC which stand for message unity codification which is an algorithm Michael . MIC includes a frame counter forestalling rematch onslaughts. With the characteristics of the WPA like holding increased size of the keys and IV’s. reduced figure of packages sent with related keys and adding up of a secured message confirmation system. it is far more hard to interrupt in within the system. There is one fluctuation in WPA which is called the WPA pre shared cardinal ( WPA-PSK ) . which is besides known as personal manner. This was designed for place and little office use and webs which can’t afford the cost and complexness of the 802. 1X hallmark waiter. To entree the web. the user must come in a base on balls phrase. with 8 to 63 printable ASCII characters or 64 hexadecimal figures. This can be stored in the user’s computing machine with discretion under most operating system in order to avoid re-entry and must stay in the Wi-Fi entree point. Protected Extensile Authentication Protocol ( PEAP ) firmly transmits hallmark information which includes watchword. over wired and wireless web. It is besides an 802. 1x hallmark type for radio LAN’s. The PEAP is created by the Cisco Systems. Microsoft and RSA Security which is base on the Internet Draft submitted to the IETF. ( Cisco Systems. 2007 ) The system uses merely server side public key certifications which authenticate clients by making encrypted SSL/TLS tunnel in between client and reliable waiter. This protects from insouciant review the ensuing exchange of hallmark. Harmonizing to the Cisco Systems Inc. . the following are of import benefits of the PEAP web security system: It relies on the Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) which allow non-encrypted hallmark types ( EAP-Generic Token Card and One Time Password ( OTP ) ) support It uses the server-side Public-Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) based digital enfranchisement hallmark It allows for the hallmark to an drawn-out suite of directories which include Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ) . Novell NDS and OTPA databases It uses the TLS in order to code all the user-sensitive hallmark information It supports the watchword alteration at termination It does non expose the logon username in the EAP individuality response The system is non susceptible to dictionary onslaughts It offer dynamic privateness protection while utilizing in combination with Temporal Key Integrity Protocol ( TKIP ) or the Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) Besides the PEAP have enterprise benefit. Based on the Cisco System Inc. . PEAP is based upon the server-side EAP-TLS. This means that organisation can avoid the issue associated in the installation of digital certifications on every client machine which is required by the EAP-TLS. This provides the endeavor to take what method of client hallmark depending on their demands. PEAP hallmark work in two stages: ? In stage 1. executing the server-side TLS hallmark will ensue to creative activity of an encrypted tunnel and will accomplish server-side hallmark. One the procedure is done the informations are encrypted with all the user-sensitive information? For stage 2 harmonizing to the Cisco System Inc. . the client is authenticated by utilizing methods like the EAP-GTC and the Microsoft Challenge Authentication Protocol ( MS-CHAP ) Public switched telephone web ( PSTN ) is referred as the public communicating supplying local. extended and long distance call telephone service. It is composed of telephone exchanges arranged in order to hold countrywide telephone communicating system. The system is unfastened for those who can afford the service. Packets. pieces of the caller’s conversation are switched and so sent at the same time to many connexions to make a receiving system in the other terminal. All the phones in PSTN are connected in a manner that any phone can name to any other phone due to all the local phone systems are connected to each other. Mitchell ( 2007 ) cited that PSTN provides the traditional Plain Old Telephone Service ( POTS ) to constitutions and abodes and besides some parts of the PSTN are being utilized for DSL. VoIP and other internet-based web. In much relation to internet. this provides much of the internet’s long-distance substructure. Internet service suppliers ( ISP ) pay the long distance supplier for the entree to their substructure and they portion the circuits among users in the procedure called package shift. PSTN web nexus supports 64 kbps and in abodes the PSTN phone lines transporting the bandwidth is made up of Cu overseas telegram. Dial-up modems utilize 56kbps of the bandwidth when they are connected to a phone line. Besides the PSTN utilizes the SS7 signaling protocol. SS7 signaling protocol support the exchange of special-purpose messages on public telephone webs. SS7 messages pass over separate channel different from the channel used for voice communicating and it is referred as out of set signaling. Wireless local cringle is sometimes called wireless in the cringle ( RITL ) or fixed –radio entree ( FRA ) . It is a system that connects users and endorsers to the public switched telephone web ( PSTN ) by the usage of wireless signals as replacement for Cu for all portion of the connexion between endorser and the switch. This includes cordless entree systems ; properness fixed radio entree and fixed cellular systems. One of the advantages of the wireless local cringle is that it can be deployed in merely hebdomads or months in comparing with Cu wire systems which took months and old ages for the deployments. The instillment of the wireless local cringle considerately has much lower building cost than puting Cu lines. The care and operations of the wireless local cringle are that easy and the mean care clip per endorser is shorter by 3 to 4 times. Signing is the exchange between information which concerns about the constitution and in the control of a connexion and the direction of the web. There are many types of signaling: In-band signaling pertains to the exchange of signaling information within the same channel of the telephone call Out-of-band signaling is telecommunication signaling intending exchange of information to command telephone call. It is done over a channel and it separates from channels which is usage for telephone call. This signaling is used by Signing system # 7. the signaling standard commanding the world’s phone calls Line signaling is much concerned in conveying information on the province of line or channel Register signaling is focused on the transmission of information in the calling/ called telephone figure Channels-associated signaling utilizes signaling channels giving to a specific carrier channel Common-channels signaling. utilizes signaling channels which transmit signaling information to multiple carrier channels. Compelled signaling pertains to the demand of the receive signal to be to the full acknowledged before the following signal is sent. Subscriber signaling pertains to the telephone and the telephone exchanges Trunk signaling pertains to the exchange. Mentions Buis. Paul. ( 1996. September ) . Common 100 Mbps Hardware Variations. Ethernet Technology: Underlying Technologies. ( Chapter 4 ) . Retrieved September 16. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. 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How Gigabit Ethernet plants. Retrieved September 15. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //misnt. indstate. edu/coutinho/ge/WORKS. HTM Mitchell. Bradley. Wireless/networking: WPA: Wi-Fi Protected Access. Retrieved September 16. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //searchnetworking. techtarget. com/sDefinition/0. . sid7_gci214316. 00. html Ou. George. ( 2005. June 2 ) . Understanding the updated WPA and WPA2 criterions. Message posted to http: //blogs. zdnet. com/Ou/index. php? p=67 Pidgeon. Nick. Introduction to how Ethernet Works. The Ethernet. Retrieved September 16. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //computer. howstuffworks. com/ethernet. Sheldon. Tom. Link Aggregation. The Encyclopedia of Networking and Telecommunications. Retrieve September 16. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. linktionary. com/l/link_aggregation. hypertext markup language Spurgeon. Charles E. . ( 2000 ) . Why is it called Ethernet? . Ethernet: The Definitive Guide. Retrieved September 16. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ethermanage. com/ethernet/ethername. html ICT Global. What is Ethernet? . Ethernet FAQ. Retrieved September 16. 2007from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ictglobal. com/ICT010/faq1. hypertext markup language Networking Essentials. Band Usage ( Baseband or Broadband ) . Retrieved September 17. 2007 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. measureup. com/testobjects/MS_NetEss/5a67289. htm

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Untold History of American Indian Slavery

The Untold History of American Indian Slavery Long before the transatlantic African slave trade was established in North America a transatlantic slave trade in Indians had been occurring since the very earliest European arrivals. It was used as a weapon of war among the European colonists and as a tactic for survival among Indians who participated in the slave trade as slavers. It contributed to the fierce decline in Indian populations after the coming of the Europeans along with devastating disease epidemics and lasted well into the eighteenth century when it was replaced by African slavery. It has left a legacy still felt among Native populations in the east, and it is also one of the most hidden narratives in American historical literature. Documentation The historical record of the Indian slave trade is based on many disparate and scattered sources including legislative notes, trade transactions, journals of slavers, government correspondence and especially church records, making it difficult to account for the entire history. It is well known by historians that the slave trade began with the Spanish incursions into the Caribbean and Christopher Columbus’s taking of slaves, as documented in his own journals. Every European nation that colonized North America utilized Indian slaves for construction, plantations, and mining on the North American continent but more frequently in their outposts in the Caribbean and in the metropoles of Europe. As the pieces of the puzzle come together in the scholarship, historians note that nowhere is there more documentation than in South Carolina, what was the original English colony of Carolina, established in 1670. It is estimated that between 1650 and 1730 at least 50,000 Indians (and likely more due to transactions hidden to avoid paying government tariffs and taxes) were exported by the English alone to their Caribbean outposts. Between 1670 and 1717 far more Indians were exported than Africans were imported. In southern coastal regions, entire tribes were exterminated through slavery compared to disease or war. In a law passed in 1704, Indian slaves were conscripted to fight in wars for the colony long before the American Revolution. Indian Complicity and Complex Relationships Indians found themselves caught in between colonial strategies for power and economic control. The fur trade in the Northeast, the English plantation system in the south and the Spanish mission system in Florida collided with major disruptions to Indian communities. Indians displaced from the fur trade in the north migrated south where plantation owners armed them to hunt for slaves living in the Spanish mission communities. The French, the English, and Spanish often capitalized on the slave trade in other ways; for example, they garnered diplomatic favor when they negotiated the freedom of slaves in exchange for peace, friendship and military alliance. In another instance of Indian and colonial complicity in the slave trade, the British had established ties with the Chickasaw who were surrounded by enemies on all sides in Georgia. They conducted extensive slave raids in the lower Mississippi Valley where the French had a foothold, which they sold to the English as a way to reduce In dian populations and keep the French from arming them first. Ironically, the English also saw it as a more effective way to civilize them compared to the efforts of the French missionaries. Extent of the Trade The Indian slave trade covered an area from as far west and south as New Mexico (then Spanish territory) northward to the Great Lakes. Historians believe that all tribes in this vast swath of land were caught up in the slave trade in one way or another, either as captives or as traders. Slavery was part of the larger strategy to depopulate the land to make way for European settlers. As early as 1636 after the Pequot war in which 300 Pequots were massacred, those who remained were sold into slavery and sent to Bermuda. Major slaving ports included Boston, Salem, Mobile and New Orleans. From those ports Indians were shipped to Barbados by the English, Martinique and Guadalupe by the French and the Antilles by the Dutch. Indian slaves were also sent to the Bahamas as the breaking grounds where they mightve been transported back to New York or Antigua. The historical record indicates a perception that Indians did not make good slaves. When they werent shipped far from their home territories they too easily escaped and were given refuge by other Indians if not in their own communities. They died in high numbers on the transatlantic journeys and succumbed easily to European diseases. By 1676 Barbados had banned Indian slavery citing too bloody and dangerous an inclination to remain here. Slavery’s Legacy of Obscured Identities As the Indian slave trade gave way to the African slave trade by the late 1700’s (by then over 300 years old) Native American women began to intermarry with imported Africans, producing mixed-race offspring whose native identities became obscured through time. In the colonial project to eliminate the landscape of Indians, these mixed-race people simply became known as colored people through bureaucratic erasure in public records. In some cases such as in Virginia, even when people were designated as Indians on birth or death certificates or other public records, their records were changed to reflect â€Å"colored.† Census takers, determining a person’s race by their looks, often recorded mixed-race people as simply black, not Indian. The result is that today there is a population of people of Native American heritage and identity (particularly in the Northeast) who are not recognized by society at large, sharing similar circumstances with the Freedmen of the Cher okee and other Five Civilized Tribes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Marx Appear To Mean By The Term Alienation Essay

What Marx Appear To Mean By The Term Alienation - Essay Example His political, economic and social ideas gained rapid acceptance despite the fact that he was largely ignored by other scholars and regimes during his lifetime. His fame rose further after his death in 1883. Marx was a communism’s most zealous intellectual advocate. He made comprehensive writing on the subject which laid the basis and foundation for the political leaders who were to come after him. He studied philosophy but turned to economics and politics in his twenties. Karl Marx’s theories of politics, economics and society, which are collectively referred to as Marxism, argued that all human societies progress through dialectic of class struggles. Such class struggle occurs in a capitalist state. Within such a society, the capitalist classes; the owners of capital compete with the workers. The workers solely have their labour power to offer as a means of obtaining daily bread for their livelihood. Karl Marx referred to the capitalist societies as the â€Å"dictato rship of the bourgeoisie†. Such a society is run by the wealthy class of individuals. Such a management or rule is purely meant to benefit the rich ruling class. A class struggle between the bourgeoisies would lead into a dialectical series which enables the society to be transformed from one state to another. The bourgeoisie would always struggle to maintain and expand their wealth in terms of land and other factors of production. This group of individuals does this by exploiting and exposing the proletariat to harsh conditions characterized by poor wages, less food and poor housing. This would enable to capitalist class to make maximum profit and reduce competition from the proletariat. Alienation basically refers to an act of separation from what is most desired by individuals or from whatever is desirable. Alienation is a discrimination of individuals based on something which is valuable to their existence. A society in which alienation is practiced tends to have some of i ts members get extremely wealthy at the expense of other members of the population. Individual are alienated when they live in conditions which they do not approve of and believe to have been caused and forced into them by external forces. It is a form of discrimination in which individuals are denied or prevented from accessing their rights. Forceful denial of self determination, where individuals lack the power to determine whatever happens to them, is a form of alienation which Karl Marx explained. This paper tries, therefore, to make an analysis into what Karl Marx implied by alienation. Karl Marx and Alienation Karl Marx expresses the meaning of alienation in two words; estrangement and reification. Reification refers to the externalization of aspects of self which there exist a dual sense of lose and identification. This implies that labour became a remote or external action since there is the act of selling one’s self just as a commodity and also an individual no longe r relates or identifies with the outcome of ones labour since it has been an independent action. Estrangement on the other hand refers to a situation in which an individual has a feeling of separation or distance from the society or community. Karl Marx understands the concepts of alienation from a capitalist point of view. His argument of alienation is based on a capitalist context. The capitalist mode of production forms the basis for alienation according to Karl Marx. This focus enables us to look at the source of alienation in its actual context in the human societies that we live in. it also enables us to understand the manner in which all the rest forms of alienation are deeply rooted in the prime cause which is capitalism. Marx identified a mechanism through

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes Essay

Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes - Essay Example The people who oppose the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks include Mohammed Elzofri, a reported store owner; Corky Booze, an alleged former auto racer; and various agencies such as the American Beverage Association, which governs the beverage industry and particularly supports companies such as â€Å"Coke, Pepsi, Red Bull, and Gatorade† (Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes? Calif. City Considering Idea par. 25); as well as the Americans Against Food Taxes. According to Elzofri, imposing taxes on sugary drinks, particularly on sodas would significantly be detrimental to the poor people and to business owners like him. His support was that more than 80 percent of people who purchase from his store buy sugary drinks and thus, imposing a tax on these would definitely make the drinks more expensive and possibly prohibitive. It was revealed that a tax on a two-liter drink would be tantamount to an addition of 68 cents to the current selling price. Concurrently, Booze w as reported to have averred that the government should not dictate what people should or should not consume and the imposition of the tax on sugary drinks would be most hurtful to the local community. He noted that the poor people who do not have the means to leave the city and purchase these drinks in other cities that do not impose taxes on them would be left with no options except to contend with these or not to purchase them at all. While other local citizens who could afford to leave Richmond would just purchase these drinks in other cities. This was corroborated by the American Beverage Association which shared Booze’s contentions that the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks would be most hurtful to those who could not afford. On the other hand, the people who were reported to openly support the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks include Dr. Jeff Ritterman, a cardiologist and also the city councilman; Doria Robinson, a noted community activist; and Dr. Kristen Bibbin Domingo, who is allegedly an internist at the University of California, San Francisco. According to Ritterman, the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks is seen as an effective way to prevent obesity. This was supported by Domingo, who apparently conducted a study on the effect of a tax imposition on sugary drinks to health and medical costs. As disclosed by Domingo, â€Å"a nationwide penny-per-ounce soda tax would reduce consumption by 15 percent and would, over a 10-year period, prevent several million diabetes cases and nearly 100,000 heart disease cases, as well as saving $17 billion in medical costs† (Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes? Calif. City Considering Idea par. 30). In addition to substantial savings on medical costs, the tax imposition would allegedly generate as much as $3 million in revenues, as alleged by Ritterman. These are definite benefits for the city and for the health of the constituents. As added by Ritterman, the revenues could be earmar ked from programs such as â€Å"local sports fields, diabetes treatment for low-income children, and school-based nutrition classes† (Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes? Calif. City Considering Idea par. 12). Likewise, Robinson, the community activist concurred that a tax on sugary drinks would eventually assist in breaking the addiction on sodas; and therefore, corroborates Ritterman’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Misuses of Statistics Essay Example for Free

Misuses of Statistics Essay While Statistics can also be misused in many ways such as using not representative samples, small sample size, ambiguous averages and dispersions, detached facts, implied connections, wrong and misleading graphs, wrong use of statistical techniques, serious violation of assumption behind the statistical techniques and faculty surveys, we should also realize that Statistical literacy is not a skill that is widely accepted as necessary in education. Therefore a lot of misuse of statistics is not intentional, just uninformed. But that does not mitigate its danger when misused because Statistical techniques are many times misused, to sell products that don’t work; to prove something that is not really true, to get the attention of public by evoking fear and shock. Statistics has numerous uses. It is difficult to find a field in which statistics is not used. Statistics plays integral part in many disciplines, and do not take reported relationships at their face value, especially if you cannot see a direct, causal link between them. There may be a common-sense reason why they are linked through a third, unreported variable or other intended or unintended connections. Going through exercises 1 through 10 on page 810, I decided to do exercise number 4. The question reads â€Å"In many ads for weigh loss products, under the product claim and in small print, the following statement is made: â€Å"These results are not typical.† What does this say about the product being advertised?† It is intriguing but rather serious when media plays with our emotion just to get our attention in whatever ways they can. Both print and electronic media have created a means of satisfying our emotional instabilities by coming up with advertisements that will capture our attentions. Weigh loss products and program are few of the many that have been bombarding the airwaves. Many at times I pondered when watching television or listening to radio commercial, whether these are really delivering what they are saying that can. I have deliberately changed my channels when I am watching television and a commercial come on the television. In this assignment, I am going to synthesized question number 4. I am going to keenly look the small prints that say â€Å"These results are not typical† What does this say about the product being advertised? I think there are two sides to this, one is the legal obligations that they will be face with if they fail what they promised, the other is nothing is typical. What works for you might not work for me. We are all different and unique in our own ways. We all have different method of losing weight. What might work for one person is not necessarily going to work for you, what you arent guaranteed is to lose what that that person lost in the ads. They are only giving us the best results they have gotten from their products and it does not mean that it might work for you or me. There is no 100% guarantee in this process. The next question that I am going to comment will be number 16. â€Å"Do you think that it is not important to give extra tutoring to students who are not failing?† To answer this question in a survey, you must understand what they are asking for. This is very confusion question. Double negative can be confusing, which might lead to an incorrect response. I think because each student is different, each should be given opportunity to explore whatever opportunity that is available to them to excel in their school work at their own pace, regardless of who they are in your class. As we have seen from above, ads might be exactly how they are presented to us. I think every ad should be research before venturing into it. This ads and the survey are known as detached statistic ads, which mean there was no comparison made. As we can see from the two different set, there were no comparisons in either one of them. Indeed, while Statistics can also be misused in many ways such as using not representative samples, small sample size, ambiguous averages and dispersions, detached facts, implied connections, wrong and misleading graphs, wrong use of statistical techniques, serious violation of assumption behind the statistical techniques and faculty surveys. Therefore a lot of misuse of statistics is not intentional, just uninformed. But that does not mitigate its danger when misused. Hence we should be very careful in our decision making process as what to believe it References Bluman, A. G. (2011). Mathematics in our world (1st ed. Ashford University Custom). United States: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

African American Artists Essay -- essays research papers

The multi-talented Camille Billops has found many different ways to express her artistic ability throughout her career. Her works that were done throughout her career was an expression of her life. Throughout the life of Camille she had many influences leading her into the art world. This paper has the artist going through her life coming up through the world as a student to a teacher then artist, and her works making her a legend. The way she met her husband and worked together to make the Hatch-Billops Collection. In her time as an artist she changed her work a few times. She started doing printmaking then changed to sculpture and film making. Throughout her life is what made her films. The trilogy of films makes her life public for everyone to see. From Suzanne Suzanne to Finding Christa and then to String of Pearls. Camille Billops is an artist representing her culture through her works of printmaking, sculpture and film. She has made her mark in history by doing so. Because of this she will always be remembered. Camille Billops was born in Los Angeles in 1933 to Alma Gilmore and Lucius Billops. She attended City College of Los Angeles, Associate of Arts and graduated in 1954. Then changed schools to the University of Southern California and studied occupational therapy. After that she changed schools again to the Los Angeles State College and received her Bachelor of Arts. After her schooling she met her future husband writer and playwright James Vernon Hatch, who is white, and traveled to Egypt and had a one person exhibit for Camille. After her exhibit in Egypt she came back to the states to go back to school. Billops moved to New York and received her Masters in Fine Art from the City College of New York in 1973. While attending the City College of New York she also had begun to teach ceramics. After graduating with her Masters in Fine Art she went and taught ceramics at Rutgers University, Newark, N.Y. Also in 1975 she founded the Hatch-Billops Collection with her husband James Hatch. Th e Hatch-Billops Collection is an archive of African American cultural history that includes oral histories, slides, books, photographs, and other historical materials. Camille’s husband and filmmaker James Hatch was born on October 25, 1928 in Oelwein, Iowa. After earning a B.A. in English and Speech in 1949 from the University of Northern Iowa, Hatch taught high sc... ...winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance in 1992, told how Camille's unwanted pregnancy led her to put Christa up for adoption and how Christa returned twenty years later to confront her mother. And A String of Pearls turns the camera to four generations of men in Camille's family and considers why their fathers died so young. The camera turns to the grandsons, Michael and Peter. Both are without education, jobs or skills to earn a living and both have children that they cannot support. They want them to live, but two doctors from the local hospital trauma ward describe the streets of Los Angeles as a war zone where the US military sends its doctors to learn about gunshot wounds. In A String of Pearls Camille takes a hard look into the hearts of the black men in her family. In this film, love blooms. The multi-talented Camille Billops has found many different ways to express her artistic ability throughout her career. This makes her one of the most exceptional artists of our time. Camille Billops is an artist representing her culture through her works of printmaking, sculpture and film. She has made her mark in history by doing so. Because of this she will always be remembered.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Night vs the Color of Water Essay

Religion is one of the many aspects that make up a person’s identity. Religion plays a major role in the search for identity of Ruth McBride, in James McBride’s The Color of Water, and Elie Wiesel, in his memoir, Night. Elie is tortured an dehumanized in concentration camps because he’s a Jew. He was seen as inferior because of his religion. Ruth was restricted from doing what her heart truly believed in because she was controlled by her Jewish faith. Her father represented the constraint of Judaism because he was a rabbi. Both stories prove religion can have a hindering effect on a person’s search for identity. Elie’s identity was changed greatly due to the effects of Judaism and the Holocaust. His identity was changed because he’d lost his innocence. â€Å"The student of Talmud the child I was, had been consumed by the flames. All that was left was a shape that resembled me. My soul had been invaded – and devoured – by a black flame†, is Elie’s way of explaining that he’s no longer a child and had lost his faith in god’s justice (Wiesel, 37). He felt as though he was no longer a child or a student, he was a prisoner like any Jew. It made him angry to see what was happening to all the people in the camps. Elie began to question God and asked,â€Å"Why should I sanctify His name? The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank Him for? † as he was entering Birkenau (Wiesel, 33). From this point on, Elie began to lose his unconditional devotion to God. Although he lost his faith, he continued to pray for strength to stay by his father’s side to support him because he was the most important person in his life. He said,†in spite of myself, a prayer formed inside me, a prayer to this God in whom I no longer believed† because he was praying for a way to preserve his humanity in a prison where every man would fend for themselves (Wiesel, 91). Judaism affected Ruth McBride deeply in various ways. She felt very restricted growing up in a Jewish Orthodox family and she complained that, †there were too many rules to follow, too many forbiddens and ‘you can’ts’ and ‘you mustn’ts’† (McBride, 2). Her father was a very unloving person who would mistreat Ruth and her mother by doing things such as threatening to send Ruth back to Europe. He would also sexually abuse Ruth without her mother knowing. He would threaten her and she wasn’t allowed to tell anyone. She was â€Å"afraid of Tateh and had no love for him at all† (McBride, 42). Ruth tried to stay strong for her mother who was sick with polio, so she hid everything she was feeling. She was the type of person to always be running away and she had very low self esteem, which most likely came as a habit from her childhood. Her son James said that she had a bicycle and she would just ride around all the time and he â€Å"always thought mother was strange. She never cared to socialize with our always thought [his] mother was strange. She never cared to socialize with our neighbors† (McBride, 9). The bicycle symbolized her constant need for movement in order to deal with her stress and depression. If her life had been different, maybe she would’ve been able to find her true identity instead of being molded by fear and humiliation. Even though both Elie and Ruth weren’t able to be who they wanted to be because of their religion, both characters put family before themselves. Ruth always cared about her family, but her son would â€Å"starve for love and affection [but] didn’t get [any] of that† (McBride, 83). She didn’t show her children any love because that’s not how she was raised. Ruth would descibe herself as a â€Å"running-type person† (McBride, 42). Elie loved his father and wanted to take care of him even though his father wanted otherwise. When Elie wanted to watch over his father while they were freezing in a shed, his father said, â€Å"‘Don’t worry son. Go to sleep. I’ll watch over you’† and when Elie said otherwise, his father refused to take no for an answer (Wiesel, 89). Elie Wiesel and Ruth McBride both had their identity effected by religion. In Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, he explained that he lost his faith because of all the killings and injustices done to his fellow Jews. He was prosecuted for being a Jew and was dehumanized. In The Color of Water by James McBride, Ruth Jordan describes the hardships that Judaism meant for her. It stood for her father and all the unreasonable rules she had to follow throughout the course of her childhood. Religion hindered both Ruth and Elie as they grew, but it formed the strong people they became as adults.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Antipsychotic medication Essay

Latuda (lurasidone) is an antipsychotic medication. It works by changing the effects of chemicals in the brain. Latuda is used to treat schizophrenia in adults. It is also used to treat depression associated with bipolar. Latuda is not for use in psychotic conditions related to dementia. This drug may cause heart failure, sudden death, or pneumonia in older adults with dementia-related conditions. You should not use Latuda if you are allergic to lurasidone. Latuda was formulated in October 28, 2010. It is supplied as a tablet for oral administrations. The recommended starting dose is 40 mg once daily and the maximum recommended dose is 80 mg/day. Latuda should be taken with food. Dose adjustments are recommended for the following: patients with moderate and severe renal impairment, patients with moderate and severe hepatic impairment, patients taking concomitant (existing or occurring with something else concurrently) potential inhibitors and patients taking concomitant potential ind ucers. Mechanism of action, atypical antipsychotic; precise mechanism is unknown; efficacy suggested involve medication of central dopamine type 2 and serotonin type 2 Any of these signs of an allergic reaction to Latuda require emergency medical help: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Serious side effects such as: dizziness, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeats; agitation, hostility, confusion, thought about hurting yourself or seizure’s should stop taking Latuda and call your doctor. A total of 831 drugs are known to interact with Latuda (lurasidone). 70 major drug interactions, 759 moderate drug interactions and 2 minor drug interactions. The disadvantages of taking Latuda are that there is increased mortality in elderly patients with Dementia-Related Psychosis.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Piagets Cognitive Development Theory Wafa Nurdin

Piagets Cognitive Development Theory Wafa Nurdin Do children perceive, think, and understand the world the way adults do? Jean Piaget asked himself the same question while working at Alfred Binet's laboratory. He noticed that children of the same age tended to give the same wrong answers suggesting that they shared a common way of thinking. He interviewed and observed numerous children over several years and concluded that the child's mind is not a miniature version of the adult's. Through his research, Piaget developed his cognitive development theory. He proposed that all human beings proceed through a series of orderly and predictable stages of cognitive development at about the same age. Moreover, a prior stage must be completed to progress to the next phase and that children proceed from concrete to more abstract thoughts as they grow older. They start from the sensorimotor stage from birth to age 2, then onward to the preoperational stage from 2-7, the concrete operational stage from 7-11, and finally the formal operational s tage from adolescence and adulthood until death.Werner Erhard and Associates v. Christopher Cox fo...This theory is the most accurate hypothesis in explaining how human beings develop into complete selves because it is what the western education system is based upon. Seeing that intellectuality is valued so much, this theory is used as a guide and a base in which children grow academically throughout life.The western world has thoroughly embraced Piaget's theory and hypothesis, so much so, that the whole educational system is based upon the stages he outlined for the mind capacity. Having one of the most practical theories, Piaget actually states the potential that a child should have at a certain age. As a child first enters the classroom, his/her senses are bombarded with the numerous stimuli that are around them. From then on, they are expected to grow and to comprehend the...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Combined Gas Law Definition and Examples

Combined Gas Law Definition and Examples The combined gas law combines the three gas laws: Boyles Law, Charles Law, and Gay-Lussacs Law. It states that the ratio of the product of pressure and volume and the absolute temperature of a gas is equal to a constant. When Avogadros law is added to the combined gas law, the ideal gas law results. Unlike the named gas laws, the combined gas law doesnt have an official discoverer. It is simply a combination of the other gas laws that works when everything except temperature, pressure, and volume are held constant. There are a couple of common equations for writing the combined gas law. The classic law relates Boyles law and Charles law to state: PV/T k where P pressure,  V volume,  T absolute temperature (Kelvin), and  k constant. The constant k is a true constant if the number of moles of the gas doesnt change.  Otherwise, it varies. Another common formula for the combined gas law relates before and after conditions of a gas: P1V1 / T1 P2V2 / T2 Example Find the volume of a gas at STP when 2.00 liters is collected at 745.0 mm Hg and 25.0 degrees Celsius. To solve the problem, you first need to identify which formula to use. In this case, the question asks about conditions at STP, so you know youre dealing with a before and after problem. Next, you need to understand  STP. If you havent memorized this already (and you probably should, since it appears a lot), STP refers to standard temperature and pressure, which is 273 Kelvin and 760.0 mm Hg. Because the law works using absolute temperature, you need to convert  25.0  degrees Celsius to the Kelvin scale. This gives you 298 Kelvin. At this point, you can plug the values into the formula and solve for the unknown. A common mistake some people make when theyre new to this kind of problem is confusing which numbers go together. Its good practice to identify the variables. In this problem they are: P1   745.0 mm HgV1   2.00 LT1   298 KP2   760.0 mm HgV2   x (the unknown youre solving for)T2   273 K Next, take the formula and set it up to solve for the unknown  x, which in this problem  is  V2: P1V1  / T1   P2V2  / T2 Cross-multiply to clear the fractions: P1V1T2   P2V2T1 Divide to isolate  V2: V2   (P1V1T2) / (P2T1) Plug in the numbers and solve for V2: V2  Ã‚  (745.0 mm Hg  · 2.00 L  · 273 K) / (760 mm Hg  · 298 K)V2 1.796 L Report the result using the correct number of significant figures: V2   1.80 L Applications The combined gas law has practical applications when dealing with gases at ordinary temperatures and pressures. Like other gas laws based on ideal behavior, it becomes less accurate at high temperatures and pressures. The law is used in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. For example, it can be used to calculate pressure, volume, or temperature for the gas in clouds to forecast weather.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Corporate governance for westpac Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate governance for westpac - Assignment Example In addition, it has profound implications at all the levels of an organization (Hill and Jones 27). Significantly, the document reveals that numerous scholars argue that strategic planning provides a mere and perhaps less relevant understanding of strategic decision making, thus, the increasing adaptive strategy. In response, this document provides a comprehensive critique to the existing literature against the perception of emerging trends as well as the pressures in the contemporary business world. Therefore, it has referred numerous sustainability competencies that suggest the need of capable consideration of holistic and systemic pressures predicting future scenarios and considering how numerous stakeholders would perceive normative business practices. The sources have revealed that the Westpac group ranks among the top listed financial companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASE): in September 2010 Westpac’s market capitalization realized E.5 billion (AUD). Addit ionally, it has five key diverse customers; significantly, it serves approximately, 12.8 million customers ranging from institutional, business and retail banking, wealth management, and insurance. For instance, there is the Westpac Institutional Bank (WIB), Westpac Retail and Business Banking (WRBB), and BT Financial Group (BTFG). The sources have further identified that sustainability plays a central position in Westpac’s vision. The vision states that the Westpac has become one of the largest firms in assisting consumers, communities and prosperous people. Significantly, the company recognizes the links between healthy societies and sustainable businesses. Accordingly, Westpac has managed its direct as well as indirect environmental impacts. It has put appropriate strategies of dealing with the critical issue, such as climate change. Significantly, the company has recognized that climatic change influences profoundly on economic, social, and environmental aspects in their operating regions. Consequently, the Westpac has considered such issues before embarking on their investments, lending, and operational decisions. Additionally, the company has